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Montgomery Pediatrics, Inc.

Pediatrics located in Cincinnati, OH

When parents suspect their child has ADHD or are struggling to come to terms with a diagnosis, it can be overwhelming. The team at Montgomery Pediatrics is committed to helping families in Cincinnati, Ohio, understand ADHD and find ways to move forward in health and harmony. Your child is more than their diagnosis, and the right health team can make a world of difference in navigating school, home, and community. Call the office to request an appointment today.


What is ADHD?

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It’s a common medical condition affecting both children and adults. 

Children with ADHD have differences in brain development that can delay their attainment of executive functioning skills. This means that they typically have trouble planning ahead, organizing, and completing tasks. They also often have difficulty with impulse control. If left untreated, ADHD can make it hard for your child to perform well in school, make and sustain friendships, and function within the family. 

According to statistics compiled by the American Psychiatric Association, as many as 8.4% of children in America are living with ADHD, although many are not diagnosed. 

What causes ADHD?

Researchers are unaware of the exact causes of ADHD, but it appears that there is a genetic component contributing to the disease. Approximately three out of every four kids with ADHD have at least one close family member with the condition. 

Some of the other factors associated with ADHD include:

  • Premature birth
  • Brain injury
  • Maternal smoking during pregnancy
  • Maternal stress during pregnancy
  • Maternal alcohol use during pregnancy

In many cases, there are none of these causal factors at play and there is no way to know what may have contributed to the development of ADHD. 

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

There are three main types of ADHD: hyperactivity/impulsive type, inattentive type, or combined type. 

The diagnostic criteria for ADHD involves displaying six or more symptoms on a frequent basis. Some of those symptoms include:

  • Inability to pay close attention to details
  • Fidgeting or tapping hands and feet while seated
  • Inappropriate running or climbing
  • Trouble completing chores, schoolwork, or other tasks
  • Frequently losing things
  • Easily distracted
  • Inability to maintain focus 
  • Blurting out answers or comments
  • Difficulty waiting for one’s turn
  • Frequently interrupting
  • Constant activity and movement

This is not a comprehensive list, and many of these actions are a normal part of childhood. 

These behaviors become a medical concern when they are markedly worse than what seems typical for your child’s age group, or when behaviors begin to cause problems at home, at school, or in social interactions. 

What are some treatment options for ADHD?

There are many different approaches that can help your child find better ways to manage behavior. One great option is called behavior therapy and involves teaching children skills to help with managing social connections and emotions as well as bolstering planning skills. 

Parent coaching is also an important part of treating ADHD. Giving parents the skills needed to properly respond to behavioral challenges can help kids learn boundaries in a safe and loving environment. 

Working with your child’s school to advocate for inclusivity and special education services when necessary is also important.  

Finally, medication can help some kids manage the symptoms of ADHD. These pharmaceutical options can help your child’s brain function and improve self-control and attention. 

Drug therapy can also help kids slow down, giving them more time to reflect on their surroundings and make better choices. 

If you’d like to explore these and other ADHD treatments in more detail, call the office to request an appointment today.